Things Equestrian


Thursday, September 17, 2009

An Interesting Day

The day began with Starbucks, which is always a good thing. A friend passed through, who had to have a terminally ill horse put down this morning, a tough thing to experience. But she was also going to look at a new horse this morning. He looks like a sweetheart and I hope he's a match.

I managed to finish the crossword - also a good thing. I then put a second dose of ointment in CD's eye. He's looking so much better: the eye is less swollen, less painful and he's keeping it open. He doesn't enjoy my messing around with it, which is understandable. Because the pupil is dilated through the Atropine, I kept him inside with completely closed doors. He was happy as long as he had something to eat all day long. He's a very easy going horse.

At 11:00 went to the funeral of a horse neighbor's mother. It was my first time at a Methodist service and with a woman minister. It was very moving and especially poignant because my father died on the same day - 14th September - nineteen years ago. Father Dan gave me the cross from the altar after the Mass on Monday, as a great friend had told him that it was my father's anniversary.

Also at the service the same Psalm 23 and the Gospel, about there being many rooms in My Father's house, were included as at my father's funeral. Of course, I cried.

So it was great to ride Cruz in the afternoon. I have a lesson tomorrow so decided to ride until he got loosened up. I worked on collection and extension for a while, and then Cruz suddenly gave in his back. For the first time (with him) I was able to sit quietly with my legs long. It felt fantastic! So I now have what looks like a system for loosening him up. Cesar said yesterday that we should do this.

I have a show on Sunday. I don't know if I can reproduce the same on the day, but I'm going to try!

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