Things Equestrian


Thursday, October 29, 2009

A great riding lesson!

Today's lesson was fantastic. At the moment we are making progress all the time, and it's a good feeling. I need to remember this when we take steps backwards. But it's been a long time coming!

The major things I learned today are:

1. To emphasize the outside rein (especially the right with Cruz) hold it open and downwards until he gives to it, while keeping the inside rein steady. This worked beautifully, at all gaits. And don't be afraid to do it during the test.

2. Use light taps with the whip to activate his hind end when he slows down, which is usually in the corners, while keeping my legs on to encourage him forwards.

3. Also when turning make sure to support Cruz with my legs, including going up the center line.

Cruz gave me smooth canter transitions and stayed round and straight along the long sides. His trot work was lovely, too.

Let's see if I can replicate the work tomorrow and through the weekend!

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